The following information provides general insights into internship procedures for students in the Department of Management Engineering. ITU General Internship Principles and the attached files below must be thoroughly reviewed prior to submitting an internship application.

General Information About Internship Conditions:

  • ⁃In accordance with the ITU General Internship Principles (, students who have completed a minimum of 30 course credits and have decided to undertake their mandatory internship are required to initiate the approval processes using the ITU Portal and Ninova platforms. Students who are not enrolled in the ITU401 course, titled “Management Engineering Internship" on the Ninova platform should inform their status to the Internship Committee.
  • ⁃In the announcements section of the course ITU401 on the Ninova platform, our Committee provides regular updates and information. It is the sole responsibility of the students to keep track of these announcements.
  • ⁃No sequencing is required for production and management internships. However, if consecutive internships are desired, a second internship registration can be opened, provided that a minimum of 3 days has elapsed since the completion of the first internship.
  • ⁃During a week starting on Monday, a minimum of 3 days of internship is required. Internship activities cannot be conducted on class days (including courses with DAN codes and thesis project interim/final presentation days) and examination days. When applying for internships during the semester, in addition to the documents provided beside Appendix-1, it is mandatory to present the class/exam schedules to our Committee. Additionally, internship days should not coincide with any official holidays or the eve of religious holidays.
  • ⁃For a production internship, preference should be given to places where students can gain expertise in the production process, observe materials, machinery, and the production area, and experience the manufacturing phase. For a management internship, it is important to choose departments that allow involvement in managerial processes such as human resources, finance, marketing, and the like.
  • ⁃All internships must be conducted in-person. If the operational structure of businesses necessitates internships to be conducted online, this situation should be documented and informed to the Department Internship Committee.
  • ⁃Small companies and start-up style firms are not considered sufficient for internships. A minimum of 35 white-collar employees is required. Exceptionally, the acceptance of workplaces with a lower number of employees may be at the discretion of our Committee in cases of essential reasons such as graduation.
  • ⁃Our Committee does not find it appropriate for students who have not completed their mandatory internship to apply for voluntary internships.
  • ⁃Production and management internships can be conducted within the same company.
  • ⁃Mandatory internships can be conducted for a maximum duration of 30 days each time. In cases where internships exceed 30 days, it is necessary for the Faculty Board to approve the student's internship period.
  • ⁃When it is necessary to send an e-mail to the Internship Committee, it is required to CC all the members.


    Head of the Internship Committee

    Asst. Prof. Gizem SARIBAY OZTURK

    Committee Members

    Res. Asst. Sevcan ÖZTÜRK KILIÇ


    Res. Asst. Saliha Belemir Demir


    Res. Asst. Beste PAZAROZYURT


     Before the Internship:

     ⁃Students must receive “Occupational Health&Safety Training” before starting the internship. Occupational Health&Safety Training must be completed online or formally from the Workplace Health and Safety Unit.

  • ⁃Students who want to start the internship process must register for the internship on ITU Portal at least 15 days before the starting day of the internship. Required fields must be filled and the internship dates must be selected. The first day of actual internship work should be selected as the internship start date, and the last day of work should be selected as the internship end date.
  • ⁃During the approval phase of the internship application; the internship contract, Annex-1 and work schedule must first be signed and stamped by the representative of the company where the internship will be performed.
  • ⁃The internship contract signed and stamped by the company representative, the fully completed Annex-1 and the work schedule must be reviewed and approved by the members of the Management Engineering Department Internship Commission. For the approval of the Commission, students must upload their documents to the homework section of the ITU401 course in Ninova at least 10 days before the starting of the internship.The Commission gives the approval process via e-mail. The announcements section of the ITU401 course must be followed regarding the approval/revision status of documents before and after the internship.
  • ⁃Following the committee's approval, students must contact the Dean's Office Secretary for Dean's approval.
  • ⁃ Documents approved by the Commission must be uploaded to the Portal at the latest 6 days before the internship start date. If this deadline is not respected or the internship is started without the approval of the Commission, the Commission has the right to not approve the application. In this case, a new internship record with a postponed date must be created.
  • ⁃The internship must start and finish without interruption, except for the special circumstances specified in the ITU Acceptance of Excuses and Excuse Exams Conduct Principles and if the department internship commission approves the student's justified request for not being able to continue the internship. In order to change the date or cancel the internship for which an application has been made or has started, as a rule, the conditions specified in the ITU Acceptance of Excuses and Conduct of Excuse Exams Principles must be met. In cases of valid excuses, internship date changes can be made up to 3 business days before the internship start date.


During the Internship:

 ⁃The Internship Initiation Form (Annex-2) should be filled out, approved by the company, and uploaded to the internship module through the portal by the student .

After the Internship: 

⁃At the end of the internship, students are required to prepare an internship report. The internship report should include the following sections:

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Information About the Company
  • Daily Reports
  • Conclusion and Appendices (Student Internship Agreement, Internship Application Form (Annex-1), Internship Work Schedule, Annex-1 Approval, Internship Initiation Form (Annex-2), and Internship Completion Form (Annex-3)).


All of these documents should be submitted as a single PDF file through Ninova and the Portal:

 i) For internships conducted during the summer term, within one month from the start date of the academic year,

ii) For internships conducted during the semester, within 15 days following the end of the internship.

After the submission of the internship report, it will be reviewed by the Department Internship Commission. If there are any deficiencies in the report, it will be rejected, and students will be given 15 days to complete the inappropriate parts. Please follow the announcements for updates regarding feedback on the reports.

  • ⁃The Internship Completion Certificate (Annex-3) should be signed by the company and uploaded to the internship module through the portal by the student within 5 days after the completion of the internship.
  • ⁃When writing the report section, it is essential to write a separate report for each day of the internship. Even if the same task is performed on different days, the reports should not be merged, and each day's activities should be described separately. The internship report should be written in English for students whose programs the instruction language is 100% English, and in Turkish for programs with 30% English. Students studying in 100% English programs can prepare their reports in Turkish as long as they also write a minimum of 5 pages of summary in English. The pages of the report should be legible.

For Students Enrolled in Double Major Programs (DMP):

 ⁃According to Article 38 of the ITU Internship General Principles; the internship conducted by students in one major is accepted for the second major if the documents related to the internship are submitted, provided that the content is appropriate.

  • ⁃Students from all primary majors, as well as students in the secondary major of Management Engineering, can acclimate one of their internships for their primary major as either a Production Internship or a Management Internship.
  • ⁃Students in this situation should get in touch with the Department Internship Commission.